Community Camp by the Students of ICFAI University, Raipur

icfai raipur

A camp as a part of the curriculum of B.Ed. was organized by the University. The students went to the nearby village – Rampur which has been adopted by the University as per the order of the State Government of Chhattisgarh. The students did many activities there, the details of the activities along with its objective are as follows:-

  • Cleaned various places of the village to enhance the awareness about the importance of cleanliness and Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan.
  • Organized a rally holding the banner & posters with the slogan written on the different schemes and plans run by the Government for the betterment of a woman.
  • Went door to door in the village to encourage cleaning their environment.
Community CampICFAI University, Raipur
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